Commissioner Andor: Harnessing everyone’s skills and talents as a way out of the crisis

“The fact is that the European Union cannot come out of the crisis successfully unless we improve the use we make of our labour force’s potential. This requires policy action.” said László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the Job Expo Fair Conference, in Nitra, Slovakia, on 18 April 2013.

“First, we need to develop more inclusive markets. In our recent work, we particularly focussed on young people”, said Andor, recalling the Youth Guarantee agreed among the Member States last February (see MEMO/13/152). “Second, we need to bring education and training more in line with the skills needed on the labour market”, continued Andor.

“My third message concerns the need to better match labour demand and labour supply by stronger mobility”, he added.

Recognising that mobilising public resources to meet these challenges in the present times of austerity is particularly difficult, Andor concluded:

“My third message concerns the need to better match labour demand and labour supply by stronger mobility”, he added.

“It is worth doing even if it means setting priorities. One example is the Youth Guarantee. Introducing it will have a cost. But this cost is not comparable to the cost of inaction. I also want to stress that Member States will not be alone in this. The EU budget will be there to help”

See SPEECH/13/355 .

Source: European Commission

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